Monday, February 20, 2012

Random Thoughts

With the 4 day weekend wrapping up, I've officially gotten nothing done. Bozeman finally gets to see some snow, and all of the skiers can sleep soundly.

After the first busy weeks of school, I've finally gotten back to the blog with a couple random thoughts and updates.

For our book review, due Wednesday, I've decided to read "Predictably Irrational", and only have a couple chapters left. This book has made me curious as to the minds of consumers and why do we all behave the way we do, thus Consumer Behavior. This book is interesting because it incorporates Psychology into Marketing. (Kind Of) Which are both things I am highly interested in. With the concept of FREE and Social Norms, I have quickly applied these thoughts to my own life. When at the grocery store, or while talking to my mom... I've explained to her these different concepts. Sounds interesting enough, so she has decided to read this book. Anyone else who is interested in people's thought processes towards purchases should definitely read this book. 

I was also thinking about the Superbowl this year (It HAS been that long since I've blogged), were there any good commercials? I thought that this year was a let down for advertising, which is upsetting to those of us with Marketing Minds. Anywho, my favorite had to of been the dog fetching Bud Light, although it was a little long. OR the John Stamos commercial, although it was cheesy. Any that I missed anyone else thought were funny or catching??

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