Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pinterest - Social Commerce Game Changer?

Looking through my "pinterest", I thought this was interesting...

Pinterest is a new "blog type/social media" website, where one can bookmark the things they would like to remember to do. It's almost like a TO DO or Wish List, but easy to access online. Many people use Pinterest to plan weddings, remodel their homes, find new recipies, etc. Basically, anything you can think of, you can find it on pinterest. Pinterest is driving more consumers than google+ (which is kind of like a new type of facebook, but found on your google account). Many companies and marketers are using pinterest to gain followers and new ideas for their industry. I think pinterest could possibly be a new marketing strategy, if used correctly. It drives consumers towards products, and helps promote new products. 

This poster (above) just has some interesting facts and is put together nicely, and brings being "social" online to the next level.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Death Defying Pastimes

After class today, and talking about death defying passions, I thought of this video I saw on 60 minutes that people might enjoy watching. This is the story about a guy, I believe in his twenties, who frequently does death defying climbs without ropes. Watching this video made me wonder, is he taking his passion too far? What if he were to have children, or a wife, would he give up his passion? How do his parents cope?

He mentions that he will not be climbing forever, but what if his 'forever' is too late? It's an interesting story, and I'd love to hear what others think about such a dangerous sport.

The ascent of Alex Honnold - Follow this link to the 60 minutes website, this should be a direct link to the video.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Superbowl Ideas

After a long weekend, I always take Sundays to relax and get caught up on the homework I have to do. With lots of football to watch (my teams out...so - Go Pats!), and studying to do, I spent my Sunday the best way I know how... Thinking of the delicious food ideas for the superbowl! Now, I have made each of these recipes in the past, and highly suggest them for you to try!

Ranch Stars - Easily the most delicious appetizer I've ever tried... Everyone's favorite!! 

Superbowl DIP - Traditional Delicious Dip

Sunday, January 22, 2012

1st Web-Blog

With the beginning of a new semester - and also one of my last - a Marketing course (Consumer Behavior), requires a weblog with recent updates about basically anything. Because I have lately gotten into the website "Pinterest", I thought it would be fun to show the different crafts and recipes I have been trying.

T Shirt Scarf

White Queso

Since the blog can be about anything, I thought I would mainly make mine about my interests... crafts, recipes, shopping, etc... For example, buying products on impulse, dollar deals, ways to save money, etc...!!