Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Death Defying Pastimes

After class today, and talking about death defying passions, I thought of this video I saw on 60 minutes that people might enjoy watching. This is the story about a guy, I believe in his twenties, who frequently does death defying climbs without ropes. Watching this video made me wonder, is he taking his passion too far? What if he were to have children, or a wife, would he give up his passion? How do his parents cope?

He mentions that he will not be climbing forever, but what if his 'forever' is too late? It's an interesting story, and I'd love to hear what others think about such a dangerous sport.

The ascent of Alex Honnold - Follow this link to the 60 minutes website, this should be a direct link to the video.



  1. I dread the day there's bad news about him... He's such a talented climber, and seems like a really nice guy :-(

  2. I completely agree, I was amazed when I saw this little documentary about him. He seems like an amazing and nice guy, I hope someday he helps teach kids how to climb or writes a book or something about the experiences he has had.

  3. Sometimes it amazes me what we can accomplish as humans! My brother recently took up Speed Flying which is skiing with a parachute-type wing, my boyfriend and I are avid rafters knowing we will one day die from the sport, and most my friends don't think twice about hucking themselves off a 20-50 ft cliff. Did you see the front flip on the snowmobile during X-Games? I loved the shot of his girlfriend/wife screaming yay hunny. I would be screaming are you crazy?!?!
